TAN: “Nights like tonight. Seeing all the neighbors out. Going for a run. Exercising or just chatting on their way. It’s nice to have a safe place to walk around.”
LOU: “Yeah, we went from home and this is the perfect end to our day. We just go for a little walk and it’s super nice. We’d love it to stay like this. I’ve heard complaints of people not using it and stuff, but a night like tonight, everyone is out and it’s so nice to have it.”
TAN: “I wonder what more can they do? (Who?) Whoever’s organizing the slow streets? The city? The town? What would it take to keep people active and be outside. We’re out here. We’re taking a walk every day. We actually ride our bikes up and down the street a lot. We live on 18th (Avenue) so we ride our bikes up and down towards the beach.”
TAN LE and LOU LE (walking with their dog, Creature)