Faces of Slow Lake Street: HYE JIN

“I feel very safe to ride this street. You can see I have two boys so I need some place where they can run around with their bikes. We live in the city so I never have chance to make myself calm down and watch them ride their own bikes. But when I take them to here, to Slow Lake Street or other slow streets, we all feel like we can ride our bikes freely, except sometimes very aggressive cars just drove by. Except that time, we love this slow street. 

We ride them to school every day. So in the mornings my husband takes them to school, and I pick them up. They go to the Montessori School (at Arguello and Lake.) We live in Laurel Heights area. Before we start to ride our bikes, I depend on my car. But once our car broke down, it used to be my husband bike. I try to bike with them slowly and now, I never ride my car. Because, why? 

We just moved here from Macedonia. It’s already been one year but I feel, now, we are enjoying this beautiful city.”

HYE JIN (biking with her two sons LOUIS and LEO on the back)


Faces of Slow Lake Street: ANNA MARIE MURPHY


Faces of Slow Lake Street: CLAUDIA ENRIQUEZ